Welcome to Discovery Music Academy!

Piano Lessons in Bellingham, WA
Are you looking for piano lessons for your child with a classically trained teacher? We specialize in teaching beginners through intermediate, ages 7 and up. We teach a classical foundation, which allows students to go in any musical direction they wish in the future.
Do you want your child to learn not only how to play the piano well, but also how to perform so they can easily share their music with friends and family with poise and confidence? We play specific games to teach students the skills necessary for performing, like focus and concentration, so they can have a fun and energizing experience and want to do it again. Performing is FUN, and we teach students how to have fun doing it!
Do you want your child to come home and make music with their friends instead of screen time? Having musical instruments and music in your home and part of your home environment is a great way to encourage children to make their own music. We teach our students the skills necessary to play by themselves as well as in a group. A pianist can play with any instrument, and we encourage our students to reach out to their friends who play other instruments and explore playing together. We’ve even had their friends come with their instruments to their piano lesson to learn how to play together!
Do you want your child to learn proper technique so they can play beautifully with effortlessness? With an understanding of how the human skeleton articulates, we teach students how to properly align their skeleton and become aware of their breathing to produce a beautiful tone with the least amount of effort. Piano playing can be a relaxing, fun and energizing experience. It’s your own self-massage with sound!
Do you want more than just a piano lesson? In addition to a weekly individual piano lesson, our curriculum includes a monthly group lesson where students meet other students, play for each other and build community. We also offer a Fall Duet/Ensemble recital where students make music with their friends, as well as a Spring recital that focuses on solo playing. In addition, we have two opportunities in the spring for students to play for a guest teacher and receive feedback. It’s a great way to expand the horizons of students and learn new ideas.
Do you want your child to learn how to set and reach goals? Learning to play the piano is a step-by-step process with progressive skills built over the long-term. With additional activities throughout the year, students learn to set and reach daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals.
Do you have time to attend your child’s lesson? Young children thrive and learn quickly with your support. Attending their lesson is a great way to learn right along side your child and be able to guide them at home with their daily practice.
Do you have time to assist your child with daily practice at home? The quickest way to excel at the piano is with daily practice at home. Setting the tone from the very beginning of lessons that daily practice is just what you do, children will rise to the occasion, especially if it’s something they get to do with their mom, dad or grandparent.
Do you have an acoustic piano for your child to practice? Children progress quickly when they have a good acoustic piano to practice on. This is especially important for young children with small hands. Having a responsive, acoustic piano will give them success from the very beginning, and they’ll naturally want to keep coming back for more. We help all of our students find a good piano.
We offer 40-minute and 60-minute weekly individual lessons Monday through Thursday in the afternoon and evening.
Monthly group lessons are the first Saturday of the month (unless there is a holiday, then it’s the 2nd Saturday).
RATES Click here for rates
If this sounds of interest to you for your child, we offer an introductory, no obligation, 40-minute piano lesson for $55. It’s a great way to meet us and experience a lesson first-hand to help you decide if our program is for you.

Call us TODAY at 360-527-9626 to schedule your introductory lesson, or fill out the form below, and we will call you.