Discovery Music Academy

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Empowering Kids Through Music

Having Fun Learning

There’s a lot of skill that goes into playing the piano. So many details that are learned one by one. It’s easy to get bogged down. However, finding a way to make those details a fun game can make all the difference in the world.

One student I had was completely fascinated by the natural world, and little creatures in particular, like bugs and butterflies. I started looking for pieces that spoke to his interest. Soon any issue that came up in a piece was addressed through the metaphor of an animal. It was no longer just a note that needed to be held two beats, but a kangaroo that needed an additional moment of rest before hopping off. If he missed the second beat, we laughed because the kangaroo didn’t get his two beats. It became fun to see how many beats his kangaroos were getting. His accuracy improved, and he was having fun learning. He smiled a lot and was full of energy.

This is learning at its best: freedom to explore, try, evaluate, and try again in an atmosphere of fun. It is life-giving for the student and for the teacher.

The key to each student may be a little different, however, the result will be the same: a student who has fun learning and wants more. It doesn’t get any better than that.

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