Discovery Music Academy

Call TODAY to Schedule Your Child’s Introductory Piano Lesson (360) 527-9626
Empowering Kids Through Music


Breathing. We’ve all been breathing since we were born. We never learned how to do it. We just do it. As we age it’s not uncommon to subconsciously start holding our breath when trying something new. In piano, I call it holding your breath and praying your way through a difficult passage of music. On occasion you’re successful, but it is a wholly unpleasant experience.

Try it sometime. Hold your breath, maybe even hold your shoulders up a little, and then do whatever you’re wanting to learn how to do. How long can you keep it up before you get tired and your shoulders ask to be let down?

The good news is life and piano don’t have to be that hard.

Now let your shoulders hang, like coats on a coat rack. Go slow enough so you are aware of your breathing.

Which way feels better to you?

Breathing fully allows your body to relax. When it’s relaxed, your skeleton can articulate how it was designed to articulate. In this state you will find ease in playing. It is fun and rewarding. Frustration and tension will melt away, and you will be immersed in the art of playing the piano.

Schedule an introductory piano lesson by calling (360) 527-9626, or email me with questions.

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